Yes! You can easily share a Spanish-translated version of your voter registration campaigns. You'll simply append a URL parameter to the end of your voter registration URL, depending on which of the sharing URLs you use to distribute your voter registration campaign.
The sharing URLs for your voter registration campaign can be found on the action's page, on the right side of the screen - listed as "Web Link" and "Web Link with auto open." As described here, the Web Link URL will open the voter registration's action page that includes campaign branding, lists top teams and volunteers, etc. Participants can click "Get Started" to begin checking their registration. The Web Link with auto-open URL will open that same page, but with the actual pop-up to begin checking voter registration pre-opened - i.e. it's as if "Get Started" was already clicked.
Sharing the Spanish version of the "Web Link": Simply append the parameter "?language=es" to the end of the URL. Note that the parameter can be appended either to the shortened URL - which looks like "" - or the full URL, which looks like "". Both of those links achieve the same result, one is just shorter. So, your Spanish URLs should look like either of the following:
Sharing the Spanish version of the "Web Link with auto open": You'll similarly append a parameter here, but need to use a slightly different format because there's already a URL parameter specifying the auto-open ("?start=1"). You'll append "&language=es" after "?start=1"; so, your Spanish URLs should look like either of the following:
Note that these URLs open a translated version of Impactive itself - meaning that the buttons, form instructions, etc. will be in Spanish. If you want the admin-generated content - the action's title, description, incentive descriptions, etc. - to be in Spanish, you'll need to paste in Spanish content when you set up the action.
For this reason, you can't run an English and Spanish voter registration action within the same action; they need to be separate actions, where one has an English title/description and one has a Spanish title/description, and you use the Spanish URL parameters for the Spanish action's URLs.