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Start Your Impactive Journey
Start Your Impactive Journey
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Impactive!

Article Description: In this article, we will walk you through how to navigate the Admin Dashboard, set-up your campaign, onboard users, and publish sample actions to see what your volunteers see on the app.

This article will review:

  • Navigating the Admin Dashboard

  • Setting Up Your Campaign

  • Creating Welcome Content

  • Onboarding Users

  • Creating Sample Actions

Setting Up Your Campaign

Before we dive in, it’s important that you remember to save your progress within the Admin Dashboard to ensure your setup isn’t lost if you get interrupted, need to finish at a later time, or need to navigate to another page.

  1. You should have received an email from [email protected] inviting you to sign in to your account and view your Campaign. Click on the 'Sign-in link' to login to your Impactive account. If your link has expired, visit and select the ‘Sign in with Email’ option to receive a new email with a login link. Note: Login links expire 30 minutes after being sent.

  2. After logging into your account you will land on the My Campaigns page, once there click on the name of your campaign.

  3. Within your campaign, you will land in the CAMPAIGN Tab. This is where you’ll find your Campaign Info, Settings, and Automations. We’ll dive into each of these below.

Campaign Info

Share Options

Under the header Share Options, you will find your Campaign Join Code. Volunteers can enter this once they have downloaded the Impactive mobile app to join your campaign. Additionally, you’ll find your campaign’s Web Join Link and App Join Link which you can also share with volunteers, using these links will bring them directly to your campaign with Impactive.

  • Note: The links are different depending on the device they are joining from.


Manage Campaign Content

Within the Manage Campaign Content section you can set a profile picture for your campaign and a hero image.

  • Pro-tip: We recommend uploading an image that is 300 px x 300 px for your profile picture and image that is 1600 px x 900 px for your hero image.


Your volunteers can sync their personal contacts for relational organizing or to see which of their friends synced to the app from their personal contacts. If you would like your volunteers to be able to see which of their personal contacts live in the campaign’s district you will want to enable the ‘Add a District’ feature.

By clicking the Add Spanish Content button you will be able to fill out your Campaign Info and Welcome Content in both Spanish and English - we’ll cover both of these sections a bit more later on.


Under the CAMPAIGN INFO header you can link to your Campaign’s Website and add your Slogan, and your Description.

  • Note: Both your slogan and description will display in your users app.


Welcome Content

Next, we’re going to talk about setting up your campaign’s WELCOME CONTENT. Please note, that users will only be able to view your Welcome Content the very first time they join your campaign and log in to the app. That being said, you don’t want to include super important information here that they might want to go back to since they won’t be able to access it again.

Under WELCOME CONTENT you can set the Onboarding Text, the text your users will see when they first join the campaign on the mobile app or web browser.

You can also set a Welcome Message which will automatically be sent to new users by a member of your staff. With Welcome Messages, each volunteer joining the campaign will have the opportunity to speak directly with your welcome messenger in their Impactive inbox. This is a great way to directly communicate with your volunteers and ensure they can reach your administrators when needed. You can read more about changing staff permissions so that they can send Welcome Messages in our article Users and Lists.


Additionally, you can add an Onboarding Video which is a fun way to welcome your volunteers to your campaign on Impactive.

The site has a limit of 1GB for video uploads, but we recommend videos be 15-30 seconds.

You can also add Onboarding Questions, this will prompt your users to fill out surveys about themselves upon joining your Impactive campaign. To pick and choose what questions you’d like to ask, go to DATA -> Custom Fields -> Create New Custom Field -> Select the Box for Onboarding Questions. You can choose the display order of the questions and change the prompts to whatever you’d like.


Lastly, we recommend customizing the Terms & Policy section to meet the needs of your campaign.


Next, move into the Settings tab to manage Texting and Broadcast settings. Within the Texting tab, you can set your:

    • Time Zone

    • Texting Hours - these hours apply to peer-to-peer texting actions.

    • Contact assignment bucket size - the number of contacts to assign to volunteers at a time under

    • Preferred Area Codes - area codes you would prefer to use for your peer-to-peer messaging

    • User First Name Fallback - If a volunteer didn’t include their first name this value will be substituted instead.

      • Examples - Volunteer, Community Member

  • Contact First Name Fallback - If a contact wasn’t uploaded with a first name this value will be substituted instead.

    • Examples - Neighbor, Friend

Additionally, you can toggle on or off:

  • Outbound Message Lock Protection - This will prevent contacts from being texted with a new script twice within a six hour period. We highly recommend leaving this enabled.

  • Disable Custom Responses - This will prevent your volunteers from responding to messages with custom text. They will be forced to send a follow up script without any changes.

  • Automatically Create Team Chat thread for new Teams - Enable setting to automatically create a team chat for all existing teams and when new teams are created. To learn more about Teams, we recommend checking out our Teams Overview.

From the Broadcast tab, you can set the broadcast SMS settings for your campaign. To learn more about Broadcast, check out our Broadcast SMS: Getting Started Guide.

Managing and Inviting Users

In the USERS tab, view a list of all admins and volunteers that have joined your campaign. Click on a name to see all of their volunteer activity: actions performed, messages sent, and more. Within this tab, you can also invite new admins or volunteers to join your campaign. To do so, click ‘Invite Admin’ or ‘Invite User’ and enter the email address of the individual you would like to invite to join your campaign. Once you click ‘Send Invite’ they will receive an email from [email protected] inviting them to join your campaign. You can also invite users to join your campaign through the LISTS tab. In the top left corner of the LIST tab select ‘+ Import Users’, choose a CSV file to upload, and select ‘Start Import’ this is an efficient way to invite multiple users to join your campaign at once.Keep in mind, you can also invite volunteers to join your campaign through your campaign join code and links which you can find within the CAMPAIGN tab. Learn more about users and lists here.

Contact Lists

The CONTACTS tab houses all of your campaign's contacts. As a reminder, contacts are people your campaign is reaching out to, and users are the volunteers helping your campaign. From the CONTACTS tab you can create a new contact list by importing a CSV or syncing saved lists from VAN or PDI. You can learn more about managing lists here.

Creating Sample Actions

Actions are the building blocks of Impactive and are what allow you to give volunteers opportunities to take action on behalf of your campaign. Actions range from reaching out to volunteers' friends and family via text, calling, or social media (with social share, friend to friend messaging), to reaching out to a designated list of contacts provided by the campaign with peer to peer texting, phone banking and canvassing.

Within the ACTIONS tab, you will find Sample Actions; we have set up sample actions for you to demonstrate what each type of action looks like within the admin dashboard and the mobile app (volunteers perspective). You can practice publishing these actions and can delete them once you feel ready to create your own. In this article, we are going to walk through the [Sample] Peer to Peer action. If you need a refresher, Peer-to-Peer texting allows you and your staff or volunteers to send one-on-one messages to thousands of campaign contacts through a masked phone number and manage replies in real-time. To learn more about Peer-to-Peer texting check out our help center article - P2P Texting for Admins.

Follow these steps to edit & publish the [Sample] Peer to Peer action

  1. Locate the peer-to-peer sample action, click into that action, and click on the pencil icon to edit.

  2. Select one of the sample contact lists to target in the sample Peer to Peer action. Learn more about publishing peer to peer texting actions. Review and edit the scripts. The initial script will be sent in the text message. Follow-up scripts are pre-drafted replies that can be sent via the inbox.

  3. When ready to publish action, click 'Save Action.'

  4. Click 'Make Public' to launch action. Learn more about publishing options here.

  5. After making the action public, view it live on the mobile app. Go to the home screen, and click the card named [Sample] Peer to Peer action. From here you will be able to practice sending text messages as a volunteer would with your campaign.


We recommend editing and publishing all sample actions to get the hang of the platform and a better understanding of the volunteer experience.

You can learn more about creating and managing all of Impactive’s action types through these Help Center articles:

Action Performance

Within the ACTIONS tab you can view the results of an action to see how it did. To view the results of your action, click on the action you would like to see the results for and then click View Results.


At the top of the results page is the Overview section. This section is a summary of user actions taken, not conversation metrics. Here's what each box means:

  • Sent to: Number of volunteers the action was sent to

  • Seen: Number of volunteers that have seen the action

  • Started: Number of volunteers that have started the action

  • Completed: Number of unique volunteers that have completed the action

  • Performs: Number of times that the action has been completed

  • Reports: How many reports were filled


Just below the Overview section is “Messages Performance.” This section is a summary of the messages sent. Here’s what each box means:

  • Initial Messages Sent: Total number of initial messages sent to personal contacts

  • Unique Phones Reached: Total numbers of unique phone numbers that an initial message was going to

  • # Contacts Followed Up With: Total number of replies or follow-up messages sent after a contact replies to an initial message

  • Link Clicks: Total number of clicks to a trackable link that was sent to personal contacts

View Reports

Reports show you the impact of your action, including how many people you contacted, how many volunteers participated in your action, and how the conversations went. To view the reports that were filled, go to the Overview section and click on the "View Reports" link within the “Report” box. A “Reports Summary” pop-up box will appear where you can see summary statistics for the action's tags, custom fields, and response scripts.



To most effectively interact with your volunteers, we recommend utilizing the ENGAGE tab within your admin dashboard. Within the Engage tab you will have the ability to send direct messages, push notifications, broadcast messages, and reports.


Here’s a brief overview of what each of these functions allows you to do:

  • The “Direct Messages” tab will allow you to send messages directly to your volunteers through the app. We recommend sending messages to your volunteers to alert them of a new action, or to share campaign updates semi-regularly.

  • The “Push Notifications” tab allows you to send a pop-up notification to your volunteers’ phones. We recommend sending a push notification every time a new action is published.

  • The “Emails” tab allows you to send an email to your volunteers. We recommend sending occasional emails to volunteers who mostly use the web platform, or are more comfortable on web, to keep them engaged and aware of your newest actions.

  • The “Broadcast SMS” tab allows you to send a text message to a user list of your choice. For more information about broadcast actions, visit our help page Broadcast SMS: Getting Started Guide.

  • The “Reports” tab lists the tags and custom fields that your volunteers have been filling out across all your various actions on Impactive. You can upload these reports into VAN, PDI, or other platforms by export them to a CSV file at the bottom of the page.

To learn more about the Engage tab and its functions we recommend checking out our support article, Engage Overview.


The DATA tab is the home to Impactive’s data reporting feature.


The functionality is designed to help campaigns easily access and export data reports by offering seven templates: data reports for actions, contacts, messages, user activity by type, user activity - all, leaderboard and tags & custom fields. Additionally, within the DATA tab, campaigns can also set-up their trackable links, integrations and sync instructions for their tags and custom fields. For example, if you are working with NGP VAN, or another voter file application, you can sync Tags and Custom Fields, so that you never have to transfer work from Impactive into your VAN license. One system will not replace the other––the key here is for the two systems to communicate with each other seamlessly, so work conducted in Impactive is automatically recorded in both places.

Next Steps

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