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Creating a Form
Creating a Form
Updated over 10 months ago

There are two steps to creating a form: Form Basics and Form Content. In Form Basics, you set up the form look, feel, and metadata; in Form Content, you add questions for the form itself.

Form Basics

Forms are designed to be flexible and customizable, so there are a number of options in the Form Basics section.

First, you upload your images:

  • The Form Intro Image will be displayed on the form intro page. The image will automatically resize to fit on both desktop and mobile. We recommend using an image describing the form’s purpose — for example, if you’re collecting RSVPs for an event, it would be an event image.

  • The Form Header Image displays on the form itself at the top of the page, banner-style. The image will automatically resize to fit on both desktop and mobile.

Then, choose a Title and Description for your form. These will be shown under the header image at the top of the form page.

Next, you can add disclaimer text and/or terms & conditions to your form.

  • The Disclaimer will display on the form intro page, under the “Start Form” button. This is a great place to put any disclaimers or legal text related to your incentives or how you’ll use the info you’re collecting.

  • The Opt-in Agreement Message text will display next to the checkbox that lets contacts opt-in to receiving messages from your campaign, and must describe what users are agreeing to when they check the box. We’ve provided default text that matches the regulatory requirements.

Under “Configuration Options,” you can choose to add your form to a folder to better organize your actions.

Under “Customization Options,” you’ll find a number of ways to change the look and feel of your form:

  • The Start Button Label changes the label on the button on the form intro screen that contacts click to start filling out the form.

  • The Background Color is just that, and the Secondary Color is the color of the start button.

  • The Thank You Title and Thank You Message display (along with the incentive image, if there is one) on the final screen that contacts see after they’ve filled out the form. There will always be content here, so we’ve provided default text that will be used if you don’t customize the form.

  • The Allow user to share this form toggle controls whether the contact gets a personal referral link and easy-share buttons on the thank you screen. Note that if you choose to disable the toggle, contacts can still share the link directly but will not be prompted to do so.

Under “Incentives,” you have the option to add an image detailing your incentive. This image will appear on both the intro screen and thank you screen. This image will automatically scale to fit on both mobile and desktop screens. You won’t be able to add an incentive until you’ve saved the form.

The last option on the page is the ability to integrate an Automated Texting action with the form. If you choose to do this, those who fill out the form (and opt-in to texts) will receive a follow-up text as soon as they submit the form. You might use this to send contacts thank-yous, further information or links to your website, or remind them of their custom link to the form. To connect an Automated Texting action to your form, the action must already exist. Learn how to set up an Automated Texting action here.

Form Content

The first section in form content is the contact information section. We will always collect a phone number, and you can choose what (if any) other information you’d like to get from the contact. If you include any contact info fields, they will be required fields in the form.

There are currently three question types you can add to your form: Yes/No, Multiple Choice, and Short Answer.

Yes/No Questions

To set up a Yes/No question, fill out the “Volunteer Question” section with the question you want contacts to see when filling out the form. Then, you enter two answer options that contacts will select from. You may mark the question as required in the form.

To integrate your form into your Impactive campaign, you have the option to map your Yes/No questions to Tags that are already set up in Impactive. Attaching a tag ensures that responses will be saved directly to contacts. Set up this connection by:

  1. Clicking the “Select…” dropdown under Tag.

  2. Entering text that matches the “true/false” values for that Tag.

Multiple Choice Questions

To set up a Multiple Choice question, fill out your “Volunteer Question.” Then, you have the option to add answer options - you must have at least one answer that contacts can select. Click “+ Add a Response” to add more answer options to your question. Multiple Choice questions will appear as radio-button-style single-select multiple choice questions. You may mark the question as required in the form.

You have the option to map your Multiple Choice question to SingleSelect Custom Fields that you have set up in Impactive. Set up this connection by:

  1. Clicking the “Select…” dropdown under Custom Field.

  2. Matching each answer option with the correct Custom Field on the left.

Short Answer Questions

To set up a Short Answer question, fill out your “Volunteer Question.” Unlike the other two question types, the Short Answer question will not allow you to add any answer options - contacts will be provided with an open-ended text box. You may mark the question as required in the form.

You have the option to map your short answer question to TextField Custom Fields in the Impactive platform. Set up this connection by:

  1. Clicking the “Select…” dropdown under Custom Field.

Reorganizing Questions

Once you’ve written your questions, you might realize you want to display them in a different order. To do this, you can simply drag and drop a question where you want it to go:

  1. Hover over the question you want to move so you see a light blue box around it

  2. Click and drag it to the right position.

The only question you will not be able to move is the Basic Contact Info.

At any time, you have the option to duplicate or delete your questions at the upper right corner of your questions.

Publishing a Form

Once you’ve created your form, it’s time to publish it! You’ll need to publish the form before you can send it to any contacts.

It’s easy to publish a form:

  1. Save & Finish your form, which will take you to the page for the form.

  2. At the top of this page, click the “Make Public” button.

  3. Refresh the page to confirm the form has been published. Then, you’ll see a new “Share Options” box on the right of the page.

  4. Share your form with your supporters by copying a link to the form intro screen. You can also link directly to the form if you have a simpler form without incentives.

If you want to close the form, you can do that from the Manage Action → Archive Action option.

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