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Customizing Campaign Settings
Updated over a week ago

This article explains the wide variety of settings that can be managed on the Campaign Settings page:

Settings are explained tab-by-tab:

Basics Tab

The Basics tab includes settings related to overall campaign branding and other general settings.


  • Profile Picture: This picture appears in the top-left corner of the admin dashboard; but more importantly, it appears as the profile picture in the volunteer web/mobile portals. Most clients use their organization's logo, or sometimes for electoral campaigns, a photo of their candidate. Recommended dimensions: 300 x 300 px.

  • Hero Image: This hero image appears as additional branding in the volunteer web/mobile portals. On the volunteer mobile app, it appears behind text (the name of your campaign); therefore, we recommend using an image without text, like a simple background pattern or photo. Recommended dimensions: 1,600 x 900 px.

Target District

Set your campaign's target district, if applicable for your organization (typically for electoral campaigns and some advocacy orgs). Target district options are states, federal congressional districts, state legislative districts, counties, or cities. You can also set more than one target district.

Target district is only relevant if you're using Friends and Family Messaging (F2F/relational organizing); if you won't be using that feature, feel free to leave target district blank. But if you are using F2F, this target district will be the default district(s) for the In District filter that volunteers can use to filter their contact lists in the volunteer mobile app. You can also set target districts on a per-action basis; only use this global target district selector in Campaign Settings if you have a single target district that should be used every time (or as the most common default), so you don't have to take the time to set a target district for every F2F action you create.


Learn more about teams here. The Auto-Create Team Chat for New Teams setting simply toggles on or off the auto-creation of a team chat thread in the volunteer web/mobile inbox whenever a new team is created. If your organization will be using teams and team-based communication as part of your volunteer management plan, it's a good idea to toggle this setting on.

Brand Information (English)

Input a slogan, description, and website URL that describe your organization. This information will be available in the volunteer web/mobile portals - remind volunteers what your organization is all about!

Brand Information (Spanish)

Optionally, set up distinct Spanish-language slogan, description, and website URL that will be shown for users who choose to use the Spanish version of Impactive when they sign up.

Volunteer Onboarding

The Volunteer Onboarding tab includes settings related to users' experience when they join Impactive and access the web or mobile portals for the first time.

Note that a user's onboarding experience can also include onboarding questions, to help you gather data on users in the form of custom fields. Those onboarding questions are not set up here in Campaign Settings; instead, designate whether a certain custom field should be used as an onboarding question when setting up/editing the custom field under Data > Custom Fields.

Welcome Message

Set a welcome message that will be automatically sent to a user's inbox (in the web/mobile portal) when they join Impactive. Think of it like a direct message (DM) straight to their Impactive inbox - to be clear, this is not a SMS text message sent to the user's phone number. Regardless, it's a nice way to welcome volunteers and thank them for getting involved. Sending a welcome message also means that the user will have a thread where they can reach out to a campaign administrator to ask any questions (which will then appear in the admin's inbox).

Note that the sender of the welcome message is randomized among the admins that have the Welcome Message Sender Add-On permission turned to ON. Learn more about admin permissions here.

Welcome Description

If you set either a welcome description and/or welcome video, an additional screen will appear for users when they onboard onto the web or mobile volunteer portal that will display this description and/or video. Use this as another way to welcome volunteers and thank them for getting involved.

Welcome Video

If you set either a welcome description and/or welcome video, an additional screen will appear for users when they onboard onto the web or mobile volunteer portal that will display this description and/or video. Videos are a nice way to add an even more personal touch to a volunteer's onboarding experience; it's particularly effective for electoral campaigns to have their candidate record a welcome message.

Welcome Content (Spanish)

Optionally, set up distinct Spanish-language welcome message, description, and/or video. This content will be shown for users who choose to use the Spanish version of Impactive when they sign up.


The 10DLC tab is where you can submit your 10DLC registration form, and monitor the progress of your registration after submission. 10DLC registration is required before sending your first text (Peer-to-Peer, Broadcast, or Automated). Learn more about the 10DLC registration process, including a guide to the fields on the form, here.

Peer-to-Peer Texting

The Peer-to-Peer Texting tab contains a number of important settings that govern all Peer-to-Peer Texting (P2P) actions that you publish.

User First Name Fallback

In P2P actions, you can use dynamic variables within initial or response scripts to personalize the message (like a mail merge). User first names are very commonly used in initial scripts - many scripts begin with "Hey {{contact-first-name}}, this is {{user-first-name}} from Impactive." The user who is sending the texts will have their first name inserted in place of that variable.

While the majority of volunteer users have their first names saved in Impactive (inputting first name is required upon onboarding), some users with older Impactive accounts and many administrator users do not have first names saved. Therefore, it's a good idea to set a fallback value that will be used in place of their first name. "your friend" (with no capitalization) is a common choice, because then your script could read something like "Hey {{contact-first-name}}, this is your friend from Impactive", which still seems natural.

Contact First Name Fallback

In P2P actions, you can use dynamic variables within initial or response scripts to personalize the message (like a mail merge). Contact first names are very commonly used in initial scripts - many scripts begin with "Hey {{contact-first-name}}, this is {{user-first-name}} from Impactive." The first names imported with the contact list will be inserted in place of that variable.

While it's relatively uncommon for contacts' first names to be blank, sometimes data anomalies might cause certain names to be blank. Therefore, it's a good idea to set a fallback value that will be used in place of contact first name. "there"(with no capitalization) is a common choice, because then your script could read something like "Hey there, this is {{user-first-name}} from Impactive", which still seems natural.

Contact Assignment Bucket Size

When users are participating in P2P actions, they send texts in "buckets" of a certain size. This does not mean that they are limited to sending only this quantity of text messages, total - it is simply the size of the batch they send before seeing a screen that asks whether they want to keep texting or not.

You can optionally control the size of these buckets. Clients who want to give many volunteers the opportunity to text (rather than just letting super volunteers speed through a list) appreciate the option to set a smaller batch size. Again, this setting does not actually limit how many messages can be sent, but just encourages users to take a breath before starting in on a new batch.

Disable Custom Responses

By default, users are allowed to send customized responses when they engage in P2P conversations. In most cases, this is a good idea - they can have a natural back-and-forth with contacts and respond with whatever makes most sense to answer contacts' questions. But there are certain times when clients want to be extra-careful that users say only exactly what the client wants them to say; in that case, toggle this setting to ON so users can only send the response scripts created for them by admins.

Texting Hours and Time Zone

It's a good idea to limit the hours in which contacts can receive texts - you don't want to annoy people late at night or early in the morning! So, you can set your campaign's texting hours (in a specific time zone). Note that users will be unable to send both initial and response P2P messages outside of texting hours; if they encounter the error "The campaign is not allowing texting at this time", texting hours are the culprit.

Prevent Frequent Texting

By default, Impactive prevents contacts from being texted with new initial scripts (i.e. from new P2P actions) within 6 hours since they last received an initial script. This is to prevent any accidental duplicate messaging, to protect your texting reputation. We recommend keeping this toggle ON.

Preferred Area Codes

You can edit your preferred area codes for P2P actions here. Your initial area codes are set when submitting the 10DLC registration form, but you can remove or add codes here anytime afterwards. Read more about how P2P numbers are assigned here.

Broadcast Texting

Importantly, this tab displays your broadcast texting phone number. This number is assigned when you complete your 10DLC registration, and is set to the preferred area code you indicate in that form. This is the number that you can use to receive opt-in keywords via Automated Texting, and it's the number that all of your broadcast texts and replies will be sent from.

If you would like to change your broadcast texting phone number, reach out to us at [email protected].

Additionally, the Broadcast Texting tab contains a number of important settings that govern all broadcast texts you send.

Texting Hours and Time Zone

It's a good idea to limit the hours in which contacts can receive texts - you don't want to annoy people late at night or early in the morning! So, you can set your campaign's texting hours (in a specific time zone). Note that initial broadcast texts will not be able to be sent or scheduled outside of these hours, and users will not be able to send any response scripts outside of these hours, either.

Automated Response Outside of Texting Hours

If contacts respond to any broadcast blast outside of your texting hours, they'll receive this automated response. This setting is optional: if you leave this setting blank, no auto-response message will be sent.

Prevent Frequent Texting

By default, Impactive prevents contacts from being texted with new initial scripts (i.e. from new broadcast blasts) within 6 hours since they last received an initial script. This is to prevent any accidental duplicate messaging.

We generally recommend keeping this toggle ON, but there are some use cases for broadcast that do require frequent texting (updating volunteers throughout the day with the status of your event, for instance). If you'll need to text folks multiple times in a day, feel free to turn the toggle OFF.


This tab allows you to paste in customized terms & conditions (both text and URL) and privacy policy (text and URL), which specifically appear in voter registration actions. Don't worry - if you don't customize this content, you're still protected by Impactive's default language, which is sufficient for the vast majority of our clients.

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