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Teams (for Admins)
Updated over 10 months ago

User Lists vs Teams

User Lists are generally a static list of Users created specifically for an action or communication based on a specific criteria - or filtered from a larger list of Users based on their activity within Impactive.

Teams are similar to user lists except 'members' of a team earn points for their actions and allow a way to measure their performance within the team and against other teams. A Team might be a group of Users who have self-organized or have some affinity within the campaign - ie. geographic, report to a staff member, working on a particular cause, etc - and who will be working as a unit toward a common goal or where the campaign wants to be able to measure and compare their output to other teams.

Every team will have an automatically generated corresponding user list. This allows campaigns to have the same control and visibility for teams that they already have for user lists such as:

Creating Teams

To create a team, click "Create Team" on the USERS > Teams tab, give the team a name, and choose the type of team. You can also decide whether or not to enable Team Chat.


Types of Teams

  • Private: Private teams are similar to user lists in that they only appear on the admin dashboard and exports but do not appear in the volunteer-facing mobile or web app.

  • Public Teams: Public teams appear on the leaderboard in the mobile and web app and are visible to any Users of the campaign.

    • Invite Only: These teams can only be joined through an invite from the campaign or team leader.

    • Open to Join: A 'join' button will appear next to these teams in the app and any campaign User will be able to join them.

  • User-Created teams: These will appear on the teams tab and admins can manage or change their status. But they can only be created by a User in the volunteer app. User created teams are always public open to join or invite-only teams.

Team Chat

Team chat can be enabled for any of the three types of teams. The Team Chat is a message thread must be enabled for every team on a campaign by clicking on the three dots "..." next to the team in the USERS > Teams tab, selecting "Edit Team" and toggling "TEAM CHAT." Every member is automatically joined to their team's message thread, which appears in the app inbox.

Managing Teams

Who can create and manage teams:

Admin Created Teams

Any admin or owner role can manage teams in the admin dash, including creating new teams and adding or removing members for any team.

  • Admin and Owner roles can manage teams. They can create new teams, edit existing teams, and/or remove team members and promote members to be team leaders.

  • Staff with 'User List Management Permissions' toggled on can also create and manage teams.

Team Leader (Users)

  • Team Leader - Team leader(s) can be designated for each team - a team leader can be an admin or volunteer (user).

    • Any team leader can manage the team within the mobile app - add and remove members, or edit the team information.

    • A team leader will also be designated on the team chat so that all of the team members know who the team leader is.

User-Created Teams

Individual users can also create their own teams and organically share their team code with other users, or invite friends and family to join the campaign and join their team.

  • Users can create their own team in the mobile and web apps and share/invite their connections to join their team and help their cause. These Users automatically become the team leader of their team and can add or remove other members.

  • Campaigns have full control over user-created teams in the admin dashboard, and can manage team leaders or edit the settings on the team.

Team Page

To create, view, and manage teams as an admin, visit the Teams page, located under the USERS tab of your sidebar. To view a list of team members or manage the team and its members, open the team's page from the Teams tab. Here, you can:

  • Edit Team

  • View, add or remove team members

  • Designate a team leader

  • View information and stats for each User by clicking on their name


Edit Team

An admin can edit a team's settings from a few different points. On the summary page, click "Edit Team" from the menu option of the desired team. You can also click "Edit Team" from the "Manage Team" dropdown that appears when you select a team on the summary dashboard, or click into a team's page.

Clicking "Edit Team" will open a form where you can update the team's name and visibility settings, save changes, or delete the team.


Add Members to a Team

There are 3 ways to add members to a team.

  1. Add From User Lists or All Users tab: Select one or more users from a user list and in the “Manage” drop-down menu, click "Add Selected to Team" and then choose the team.

  2. Send Join Code: Invite users by sending a join code, which can be entered in the Impactive app.

  3. Send Invite Link: Invite users by sending an invitation link, which will automatically join the user once opened.

Remove Members

To remove members from a team, within the team page, click on the three dots “...” next to the user and select "Remove User From Team".

Designate Team Leaders

To designate a team leader, select "Make Team Leader” on the menu option of the desired user.

Delete Team

There are several ways to delete a team.

  • On the teams summary page, select the team and click "Delete Team" from the "Manage Team" dropdown menu, or click "Delete Team" on the menu option of the desired team.

  • On the teams detail screen, click on "Edit Team" and choose 'Delete Team'

When a team is deleted, the corresponding User list and all stats will be deleted.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to continue to pull stats for the team, but do not want the team to show up in the volunteer app anymore - just make the team private.

Engaging with Teams

An admin may engage with the members of a team in a few ways:

  • Send Action: You can send an action to an entire team or a few team members by clicking "Send Action." This will open a form where you can select and send off a specific action to the desired recipients.

  • Reaching Individual Teams: You can send an action to an entire team or a few team members by clicking on the "Manage Team" dropdown menu and selecting one of the communication mediums. This opens a form where you can enter and send your message to the desired recipients.

    • Send DM: Users receive the message in the app inbox.

    • Send Broadcast: Users receive the message in their device's text messages. Note: Sending a broadcast from this page sends the message to the entire team. To send a broadcast to a subset of users, visit the Users page. To send a broadcast message, the campaign must have broadcast enabled.

    • Send Email: Users receive the message in their email inbox.

    • Send Push Notifications: Users receive a push notification message on their device from the Impactive app. Note: To receive a push notification from Impactive, users must have push notifications for the app enabled.

  • Reaching Multiple Teams: To message multiple teams at the same time, select the checkboxes next to each team on the Teams tab and click "Manage Team." You can send a direct message or a push notification by choosing an option from the dropdown menu and completing the form that pops up.

  • Team Chat: Admins and team leaders can use this group chat to send a team updates, reminders, and more. As an admin, you can access any team's chat through the teams summary page, click "Go to Team Chat" from a team's menu option.


Teams Leaderboard and Team Stats

The Leaderboard offers summary metrics on a team's activity and performance. The Leaderboard is sortable and allows filtering for the past 30 days, 7 days, or 24 hours. Metrics on the leaderboard update every hour.

At the top of the page, you'll find a few summary statistics reporting on the team's size, points earned, actions completed, actions performed, reports filled, and messages sent:

  • Last Active: time when any member of the team was last active on the app

  • Teammates: total number of members on a team

  • Points: total number of points collected by every team member while completing activities for the campaign

  • Actions: total number of actions completed by all members of the team and total number of times actions were performed by all members of the team.

  • Reports Filled: total number of reports filled out by every member of a team

  • Additional: indicates whether or not the team was created by a user

To see more team and individual statistics, go to each teams' detail page. The stats display for each team member, as well as the overall team:

  • Last Active: time when the member was last active on the app

  • Rank: number of points earned while completing actions for the campaign

  • Actions: number of actions completed, with number of total times the user performed an action and filled out a report

  • Messages Sent: number of messages sent, with number of responses received and follow-ups sent out

Leaderboard Point System

Tracking the leaderboard on your campaign is a great way to see which of your volunteers or teams are completing the most actions. The way the points break down are as follows:

  • Testimonials = 600 points

  • Social Shares = 400 points

  • Users Recruited = 300 points

  • Web Actions = 300 points

  • Invites Sent = 300 points

  • Friends Matched = 200 points

  • Open Canvassing = 50 points

  • Reports Completed = 50 points

  • Voters Matched = 10 points

  • Voters Messaged = 1 point

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