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Campaign Set-Up: Overview
Updated over a week ago


Article Description: In this article we will walk you through how to set-up your campaign, welcome content and branding, and manage your campaign’s settings.

Accessing the Campaign Page

  1. Log into your account at

  2. From the My Campaigns page find your campaign under "Search for a campaign," then click on your campaign name.

  1. From the CAMPAIGN Tab you’ll find your Campaign Info, Settings, and Automations. We’ll dive into each of these below.

Campaign Info

Share Options

Under the header Share Options, you will find your Campaign Join Code. Volunteers can enter this once they have downloaded the Impactive mobile app to join your campaign. Additionally, you’ll find your campaign’s Web Join Link and App Join Link which you can also share with volunteers, using these links will bring them directly to your campaign with Impactive.

  • Note: The links are different depending on the device they are joining from


Manage Campaign Content

Under "Basic info" you can upload profile pictures and hero images for your account. The profile picture is a logo that appears prominently next to your campaign name in the volunteer app and in the admin. The hero image only appears on your main campaign page in the volunteer app.

    • Pro-tip: We recommend uploading an image that is 300 px x 300 px for your profile picture and image that is 1600 px x 900 px for your hero image.

    • Note: Campaign names cannot be updated inside the admin. If you need to change your campaign name, please have the campaign owner contact [email protected] to make this change.


If you would like your users to be able to see which of their friends live in your campaign’s district(s) you can set them by clicking on ‘Add a District’. The benefit of the district feature is that it enables the "In district" filter under Contacts in the volunteer app for your campaign.

Spanish Content

By clicking the Add Spanish Content button you will be able to fill out your Campaign Info and Welcome Content in both Spanish and English - we’ll cover both of these sections a bit more later on.


Campaign Info

Under the CAMPAIGN INFO header you can link to your Campaign’s Website and add your Slogan, and your Description.

  • Note: Both your slogan and description will display in your users app.

Welcome Content

Next, we’re going to talk about setting up your campaign’s WELCOME CONTENT. Please note, that users will only be able to view your Welcome Content the very first time they join your campaign and log in to the app. That being said, you don’t want to include super important information here that they might want to go back to since they won’t be able to access it again. It’s a great place to help volunteers get acquainted with your campaign, we highly recommend adding onboarding information under the “WELCOME CONTENT” section.

Under WELCOME CONTENT you can set the following:

  • Onboarding Text - the text your users will see when they first join the campaign on the mobile app or web browser.

  • Welcome Message - similar to a "DM", this feature allows you to send an automated message to new users by a member of your staff. With Welcome Messages, each volunteer joining the campaign will have the opportunity to speak directly with your welcome messenger in their Impactive inbox.

    • Pro-tip: This is a great way to directly communicate with your volunteers and ensure they can reach your administrators when needed. You can read more about changing staff permissions so that they can send Welcome Messages in our article Users and Lists.

    • Screen_Shot_2022-04-06_at_10.46.40_PM.png
  • Onboarding Video - upload a short video to welcome your volunteers and tell them what to expect with your organization's use of Impactive. This video appears on a splash page when the user logs in for the first time. The site has a limit of 1GB for video uploads, but we recommend videos be 15-30 seconds.

You can also add Onboarding Questions, this will prompt your users to fill out surveys about themselves upon joining your Impactive campaign. To pick and choose what questions you’d like to ask, go to DATA -> Custom Fields -> Create New Custom Field -> Select the Box for Onboarding Questions. You can choose the display order of the questions and change the prompts to whatever you’d like.


Lastly, we recommend customizing the Terms & Policy section to meet the needs of your campaign.


Within the Texting tab, you can set your campaign’s:

    • Time Zone

    • Texting Hours - these hours apply to peer-to-peer texting actions.

    • Contact assignment bucket size - the number of contacts to assign to volunteers at a time under

    • Preferred Area Codes - area codes you would prefer to use for your peer-to-peer messaging

    • User First Name Fallback - If a volunteer didn’t include their first name this value will be substituted instead.

      • Examples - Volunteer, Community Member

  • Contact First Name Fallback - If a contact wasn’t uploaded with a first name this value will be substituted instead.

    • Examples - Neighbor, Friend

Additionally, you can toggle on or off:

  • Outbound Message Lock Protection - This will prevent contacts from being texted with a new script twice within a six hour period. We highly recommend leaving this enabled.

  • Disable Custom Responses - This will prevent your volunteers from responding to messages with custom text. They will be forced to send a follow up script without any changes.

  • Automatically Create Team Chat thread for new Teams - Enable setting to automatically create a team chat for all existing teams and when new teams are created. To learn more about Teams, we recommend checking out our Teams Overview.

From the Broadcast tab, you can set the broadcast SMS settings for your campaign. To learn more about Broadcast, check out our Broadcast SMS: Getting Started Guide.

Next Steps

  • Set up integrations, if you are working with NGP VAN, PDI, or SALSA we recommend watching our video, Setting up your Integration for step-by-step instructions.

  • You may also find our videos Setting up your Custom Fields and Setting up your Tags helpful in making sure your campaign is ready to launch actions and track their results.

  • Still have questions? Reach out to our team

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