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Previous Reporting (legacy)
Previous Reporting (legacy)
Updated over 10 months ago

Previous Reporting


This article walks you through our previous reporting feature. Reporting represents the various reports (CSVs) an admin can export on the Impactive admin.

How it works

Admins can export reports for a number of features. An admin can initiate an export by finding the report and clicking on the export CSV button. After the user initiates the export, a CSV is delivered to the user’s mailbox in a matter of minutes.

The following features offer exports.


  • Users: a list of users (volunteers and admins in your account)

  • Teams: a list of users and the teams they belong to

These exports can be found at the bottom of the "Users" tab, right below the users summary.



  • Contacts: a list of contacts from a particular contact list

This export can be found at the bottom of a contact list, right below the contact list summary.



  • All actions: a list of all actions and performance metrics

  • All messages: a list of all messages sent through peer-to-peer and friend-to-friend actions

  • User details: shows an aggregate list of all users and people contacted by all of your actions. This includes activity name, type, sender name/user ID/VAN ID, recipient name/number/VAN ID and type of messages sent.

These exports can be found at the bottom of the actions tab, right below the actions summary.


Action > Results

  • Reports: a list of action-specific all completed reports grouped by unique contact/user under “reportable”

  • Users: a list of users who have received the action

  • Contacts: a list of contacts who have have been texted (only for peer-to-peer)

  • Tags: a list of completed reports grouped by contacts/users and the tags that have been appended to them

  • Custom fields: a list of completed reports grouped by contacts/users and the custom fields that have been appended to them

These exports can be found on a specific action, below the user engagement summary.



  • Reports (all) - a list of all outreach reports by volunteers

  • Tags (all) - a list of all reports grouped by contacts/users and the tags that have been appended to them

  • Custom fields (all) - a list of all reports grouped by contacts/users and the custom fields that have been appended to them

These exports can be found by navigating to "Engage", clicking on the "Reports" tab, and scrolling to the bottom of the reports summary.


Unpacking actions reports

There are two types of actions reports.

Reports can be exported from the data summary in the “Actions” tab. This gives you an export of all actions.

Reports can also be exported specifically from a specific action’s results.

All Reports

Engage Tab -> Reports

This is where you will see complete results of all outreach reports filled by your volunteers. The person for whom the outreach report is filled for shows up as "reportable."

When you scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Export Reports to CSV," your admin email will receive a download with the following information:

  • User full name, email, ID

  • Name of person report is filled for. If applicable: their email, phone number, VAN ID, voter base ID

  • Time this outreach report was last synced

  • Any tags or custom fields selected for Reportable

  • Any notes for Reportable

Reports for Specific Actions

Actions -> View Results

This is where you will see reporting for a specific action. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the relevant button. This will ensure your admin email will receive an email of a CSV file with the following information. Please wait a few minutes for the link to arrive in your email.

"Export Reports to CSV"

  • Activity ID and name

  • User full name, email, ID

  • Name of person report is filled for. If applicable: their email, phone number, VAN ID, voter base ID

  • Time this outreach report was last synced

  • Any tags or custom fields selected for Reportable

  • Any notes for Reportable

"Export Users"

  • Activity ID and name

  • User first name, last name, phone number, full name, last seen, leaderboard points, impressions, clicks, performed

  • Completed: True or False (whether this user completed this action)

"Export Messages" (Please note slight differences in fields for F2F and P2P actions)

  • Activity ID, name, type, publish date

  • Type: TextaFriend for F2F; TextaList for P2P

  • Sender name, ID, type

  • Sender number (only for Friend-to-Friend actions. For P2P, this will be blank, since your volunteers are texting from a random contact number in this case)

  • Receiver name, ID, number, VAN ID

  • P2P only: aasm_state (State of the message on Impactive: sent, error, received)

  • Sent or Error; Error code, twilio_status (delivered, undelivered, sent --sent shows that we sent the text to Twilio but is not yet delivered or undelivered.)

  • Body: Text of the initial or response message sent

    If you filter the CSV file for script type (Initial or Response), you will be able to see responses your volunteers have sent out.

    To see messages your recipients have sent, please look at rows where "receiver_type" is a User and "sender_type" is a Contact.

"Export Contacts" (Only for P2P actions)

  • Phone Number of the contacts from Contact List

  • Contact first name, last name, full name

  • If applicable, voter base ID and VAN ID

  • If applicable, selected tags, custom fields, and notes

"Export Video Stories" (Only for video stories)

  • User ID, email, name

  • Activity name

  • Date created

  • Testimonial first name, last name, email

  • Note

  • Media URL: Link to download the user's testimonial video or photo

Reports for All Actions

In your Actions tab, scroll all the way to the bottom for several reporting options for all of your actions.

"Export Actions to CSV"

  • Action ID, time created, time updated, time published

  • Title, description, type

  • aasm_state (State of the Action): Deleted, Published, or Closed

  • Privacy state: Public or Private

  • Contact List: If assigned to a contact list

  • # of Users this action was sent to

  • # of Users who saw, started, completed, performed the action. (Note: Completed refers to the number of times a user has finished the action, whereas Performed refers to the number of people they reached out to. ie One user can complete an action twice and Perform number may show 180 if they reached out to 180 people in those two times.)

"Export Messages to CSV" shows an aggregate of all messages in each action. Please refer to the "Export Messages" description above for what this file entails.

"Export User Details to CSV" shows an aggregate list of all users and people contacted by all of your actions. This includes activity name, type, sender name/user ID/VAN ID, recipient name/number/VAN ID and type of messages sent.

  • created_at: Time User account was created.

  • updated_at: Most recent time user account updated any information.

  • last_seen_at: Last time user logged in.

  • last_active_at: Date User was last active on Impactive (when they last completed an action).

  • city/state: supplied_ means it’s pulled from the Zip Code entered by the user, not supplied or just “city/state” is based on our match to the voter file. The "supplied” data is generally what admins are looking for to measure location of volunteers.

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